October Hobby Gardening Checklist: Getting Ready for FALL and Halloween


October in the PNW, things start to change pretty rapidly. Temperatures drop, the days get shorter, and the rain (for which we are famous) starts to return in full force. 

I choose to see the beauty in the season! Cooler and wetter temperatures are just want your plants want this time of year. During their dormant stage you can make use of the perennials you have in your yards, start a new compost, and plan for next year! Check out our October Gardening Task List below- this is my favorite season to be outdoors! 

Of course! A hobby garden can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. Here's a comprehensive task list for your garden in the month of October:

  1. Harvesting:

    • Check regularly for ripe fruits, vegetables, and herbs.
    • Harvest crops at their peak ripeness to ensure the best flavor and quality.

  1. Planting and Sowing:

    • Plant cool-season vegetables and herbs suitable for your climate, such as spinach, lettuce, kale, and cilantro.
    • Consider planting garlic cloves for next year's harvest.
    • Sow cover crops like winter rye or clover to enrich the soil over the winter.

  1. Transplanting:

    • Transplant any young plants started indoors or in pots to their designated garden spots.
  2. Watering:

    • Monitor the weather and adjust watering frequency accordingly to prevent over or under-watering.
    • Water deeply and less frequently as the temperatures drop.
  3. Weeding:

    • Continue to remove weeds regularly to prevent them from going to seed and spreading.
  4. Mulching:

    • Apply a layer of organic mulch around plants to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and protect roots during winter.
    • Check out getchipdrop.com for free wood chips in you area. This is an ecofriendly option for some mulch! I have used this option, and it is great if you are not too picky and have a lot of ground to cover. 

  1. Pruning and Deadheading:

    • Prune dead or diseased branches from trees and shrubs.
    • Deadhead spent flowers to encourage new blooms.
  2. Composting:

    • Add garden waste and kitchen scraps to the compost pile.
    • Turn the compost to facilitate decomposition.
  3. Soil Care:

    • Test the soil to determine its nutrient levels.
    • Add compost or well-rotted manure to improve soil structure and fertility.
  4. Pest Control:

  • Monitor for pests like aphids, caterpillars, and slugs.
  • Employ organic pest control methods when necessary, such as neem oil or companion planting.
  1. Dividing and Transplanting Perennials:
  • Divide and transplant overgrown perennial plants to rejuvenate them and create new plants.
  1. Bulb Planting:
  • Plant spring-blooming bulbs like tulips and daffodils before the ground freezes.
  1. Preparing for Frost:
  • Keep an eye on weather forecasts for potential frost dates.
  • Cover sensitive plants with frost blankets or move potted plants indoors if needed.
  1. Tool Maintenance:
  • Clean and sharpen gardening tools before storing them for the winter.
  1. Garden Cleanup:
  • Remove any diseased plant material to prevent overwintering of pathogens.
  1. Planning and Research:
  • Start planning for next year's garden, researching new plants or gardening techniques.

Enjoy the garden and the extra foliage. Embrace the falling leaves, as  you know they are protecting your soil for the next year. Gardening allows you to live with in each season, in each moment, with a clear objective for the future.