Meet the Pals
Get to know the Pumpkin Patch Pals. Meet all the Pals and their bff’s!

Hi, I'm Jack
I love adventure! I'm clever, spunky & always on the go! I like to Energize Fruit & Veggie–Wise!

Hi, I'm Daisy Kae
I have style! I'm independent, groovy and totally original. You know, it's Hip to be Fit!

Hi, I'm Chelsea
I'm sassy and stylin', and I love to throw a fun patch party! You go girl! Start movin' those happy feet!

Hi, I'm Ya Ya
I LOVE computer games and finding weird websites to check out.

Hi, I'm Gracie
I like Sparkles! I LOVE to play with my imaginary friend "Boo" and my Kitty Rerr!

Hi, I'm Rerr
I'm smart and slinky! I Pal around with my bff Gracie and speak with Ya Ya in Catonese.

Hi, I'm Vinny
I keep my pals laughing with all my "Vinnyisms." Without me the Pals would be totally bored!

Hi, I'm Joy
I'm a true believer! I glow with positive energy... Whatever we see... we can be!

Hey... I'm Spazal
I'm a BIG-hearted prankster! I'm goofy and LOVE fun! The Pals are my best friends ever! I got their backs!

Hi, I'm Devkin
I'm a musician and a renegade! I'm Hip! I'm charming... And I can talk my way out of just about anything! Pumpkins Rock!

Hi there! I'm Nader D.
I LOVE sand surfin', pumpkin seed beads, and all the girls man!

Hi, I'm Beezie
I LOVE to sing! I'm giggly and sometimes a little nervous... But I can smell a "rotten-kin" a mile away! Oh my gosh!

Hi, I'm Big Max!
I'm the biggest pal around. I am the big-hearted leader of the Pumpkin Patch Pals®. I am wise and all-knowing. Teamwork is awesome!